2024 marks the year of UTFR's driverless debut. The team has been working tirelessly on their driverless systems to officially compete them in Europe this year! Additionally, while making huge improvements to all aspects of the car, the team had the opportuntiy to visit the Ford wind tunnel to analyze the car's aerodynamics.
The team placed first overall at Formula Hybrid + Electric in New Hampshire. This year's competition had rainy and cold conditions, however despite some issues, and worries the team would not be able to fix the car in time, the team managed to get through mechanical technical inspection and back on track with only one hour left in the day! Our team principal, Daniel LaRosa hit the track completing two autocross runs and immedietely going fastest overall.
507 lbs
80 kW
169.64 ft-lbs
0 - 100 km/h
3.76 s
102kg @ 80 km/h
Lateral Acceleration
1.53 g